Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Olympics

There's something very ironic about watching great athletes do what they do best, whilst lounging about on a comfortable sofa. Catholic guilt kicks in, and I feel like I should be rowing, swimming or... judo-ing? Instead I'm chilling out in pyjamas, cat on lap, box of Special K on standby.

Still, I like to think that while my body isn't experiencing any physical exertion, my subconscious is kicking into high gear and is being motivated as I sit. So that when I do eventually stand, perhaps I'll jog up the stairs instead of crawl. Maybe I'll jump over my coffee table- broken neck, optional- instead of strolling around it. And maybe, just maybe I'll make it out of the house and up the road to the corner shop.

But then again there really is no need to exert myself. I'm no Olympian.

Monday 16 July 2012

Oh yeah, I have a blog.

I clearly have issues with commitment. The stacks and stacks of unfinished 'books' I've written are constant reminders that I'm not great at seeing things through, and which explain my significant absence from this little blogget. 

However, having abandoned my blog in February, it was nice knowing that when I returned I wouldn't find it had packed its suitcase and shacked up with some leggy blonde who knew how to treat it write (a little stupid wordplay, anyone?). The beauty of the internet ladies and gents; always there for you.

So in the interest of passing on useless information and keeping it short & sweet, here's a mini rundown of my last five months:

Did some running. (The production kind, not the exercise kind)
Passed my driving test.
Went to the gym.
Stopped going to the gym.
Took photos.
Sold at a number of car boot sales.
Re-painted furniture.
Put together furniture.
Cheered on the Olympic Torch.
Stepped out of character.
Joined an agency. (Not of the sexy and/or dating variety)
Went on holiday.
Got brown.
Turned old. (Twenty One and Twelve months)
Got a job.
Won two pounds on a scratchcard.

Which of those events was the most exciting, it's hard to tell. It's a toss up between the scratchcard win and sleeping I think.

Having now rediscovered my piece of internet estate, I'll hopefully be visiting more frequently and writing more words that (fingers crossed) form coherent sentences. Then again having said that, in the coming weeks/months I have to write countless personal statement drafts, officially apply for my PGCE, re-learn most of what was taught in English at school (what the hell is an adverb?), socialise (it's a hard life), sleep some more, take my pass plus driving course, get a car, take more photos and read Fifty Shades of Grey (let's see what the erotic fuss is all about, hmm?) If, after all of that, I manage to find time to write about doing all of that, then this will be where it happens. Stay tuned if you feel so pointlessly inclined.