Thursday 26 May 2011

'New York, I love you', I love you.

Every moment another story begins

I didn't know what to expect when I bought New York, I Love You for £3.99 on Filmflex (Virgin Media's answer to Sky Box Office.) If I had any preconceptions, I assumed it would be similar to 'Valentine's Day'- big name stars, lots of interlinking love stories, one exciting city. And in a way, I was right. But in another, I was completely and utterly wrong. Main difference? New York I Love You is not your typical churned out of Hollywood, please the masses, adhere to social norms and conventions kind of film.

What I didn't know before watching is that New York, I Love You is the second episode in the 'Cities of Love' franchise, proceeded by Paris, je t'aime. Both films are made up of a number of short films/segments; New York, I Love You has 11 running at 1 hour 43 minutes, and Paris, je t'aime has 18 running at 2 hours. If this wasn't interesting enough, each segment in both films has its own writer and director, therefore making each individual story truly original and unique.

So, having had no prior knowledge of the film and very few expectations, I was blown away; I sat with a smile on my face throughout. Each story was acutely crafted, beautifully executed with some lovely cinematography showing off New York, and cleverly told in a number of different tones that ranged from funny to surprising, to cute, to sad and everything in between. 

By far the most impressive feat achieved however, was that no one story was conventional. Each was quirky, and yet still frighteningly realistic. I could go through each individually and praise them all ridiculously, but that would ruin it. I will just say that whether you're observing an old couple's stroll or an artist's longing, you're drawn hook line and sinker into the emotion of each story, and that's saying a lot when none of the segments exceed 15 minutes. 

For lack of articulating any more of my appreciation, I'll leave you with a comment from one critic:

New York, I Love You continues the Cities of Love series that began with Paris, je t'aime far surpassing it. (...) The vignettes are tied together into a single feature through a recurrent character, a videographer who interacts with the other characters. And transitional elements -- choreographed by 11th director Randy Balsmeyer -- move the viewer from one world to another, uniting all these intimate stories into a single shimmering fabric

Film fans, hopeless romantics, people sick of rom-coms and anyone else, I strongly recommend you watch this film. Maybe you won't love it as much as I do, but I still think you'll find it hard not to enjoy at least bits of it.

P.S If anyone can explain Shia LaBeouf's character to me that'd be great, because something about that whole segment made my heart break and I can't figure out what it was.

P.P.S Who else having seen it now wants to go to New York to find love?

Monday 23 May 2011

The latest purchase


One day someone tells my mum that Zumba for Wii is "an amazing workout but a lot of fun too!". Before you know it, this brightly coloured ab-tastic box is sitting amongst the spring onions, pitta breads and taramasalata in our tesco shopping trolley.

Me: "But you don't ever use the Wii."
Mum: "I will now!"
Me: "That's what you said about Wii Fit."
Mum: "Well this is different."
Me: "How?"
Mum: " 'It's an amazing workout but a lot of fun too!' "
Me: ....

Needless to say, I'm sceptical about her devotion to it. 

In the interest of objective opinion however, I wanted to see if it lived up to the hype. Cue 5 minutes (a full beginner's class is 20) of hip swirling, bum wiggling, arm waving, foot tapping, chest shaking, huffing & puffing physical labour. Maybe it was because I wasn't in the best attire (apparently jeans aren't considered correct zumba uniform... who knew), or maybe it was because I'd just returned from an hour long food shop that had involved debates over the best tomato, but 5 minutes of step learning and a further 5 minutes of a Zumba class, and I was about ready to sue Wii. 

I started out trying to learn a few of the 'basic' steps. HA. Best example of misused language ever. To begin with, your instructor a.k.a Zumba Bitch (her new official title) seems friendly enough. "You're doing a great job. Keep going!" This is all fine and dandy when all you're doing is putting your right foot forward and back, forward and back, but as soon as the speed increases, the steps change almost without notice and Zumba Bitch isn't giving you any instructions, all her friendly encouragements becomes useless when it's pretty clear that you're doing it all wrong! This is the major downfall with Zumba for Wii- the lack of vocal instruction, especially in the beginner's stages. The only way to learn is by mirroring Zumba Bitch, and unfortunately she seems to think that we're all Jenny from the block. Learning step basics: HARD

Frustrated with learning the steps, I threw myself into a beginner's class. I was already quite tired from the anger, frustration and abuse screamed at Zumba Bitch in the step lesson, so that's why I think I only lasted five minutes in the beginner's class. However what I did experience seemed a lot more promising than the step lesson. Zumba Bitch seemed to have toned down a bit- no longer was I striving to be J-Lo or Shakira. The steps started simple enough and then gradually got a little more challenging, and I no longer felt the urge to hurl my Wii remote at the screen. In fact, the remote remained comfortably in my Zumba Belt: Exhibit A: 

You can see the belt around the hips. And yes, that's me. Or at least it will be once I get over my slight dislike of Zumba Bitch and persevere with the sweat inducing, muscle aching exercise. Because I hate to say it, but despite the agony of trying to get the steps right, and the acute pain in your soles if you try doing it bare foot, if you like dance workouts Zumba looks to be what it was promised: "An amazing workout but a lot of fun too."

And on that note, I'm off for my next showdown with Zumba Bitch. 

"Come on shake your body baby do that ZUMBA. I know you can't control yourself any longer... "

Thursday 12 May 2011

That's that then.

My last ever essay was handed in at 13.35.
At 20.30 I proceeded to go out and get beautifully drunk until 1:56.
And now that's that.
The real world begins and responsibilities follow.
At around 10:46 -ish I'll wake up and realise that I'm actually quite terrified of the future.
At 11:01-ish I'll start a frantic job search.
At 14:32-ish I'll convince myself that no job will ever have me.

But for now, at 2:20, vodka has made me too mellow to panic. 
That can wait until later in the morning.

Until then I plan to sleep well, knowing that my University workload is completed. 
Thank fuck.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Royal Weddings, Carboot Sales, and Mr.Whippy.

Kate's dress. Thousands. 

Fashion sketches found at a carboot sale. £20.

First Mr.Whippy in about three years. £1.20

A weekend of early starts, heavy lifting, tea in a thermos, haggling with stubborn fools, cleaning, baking, interrupted naps, and forcing pills down a kitty kat's throat. Not so priceless. Tired, overworked and grumpy about the fact that I have to rush my final piece of uni work, all 6000 words of it, in a week. 

Bring on the next weekend.