Monday 20 June 2011


To all who know me, I've been harping on about my new room for months. The paint, the carpet, the blinds, the fact that it could be an IKEA show room, the patterns, the covers, the pillows, the organisation of the books, the organisation of the shoes etc etc etc.

Moving into the attic I expected to feel like one of two people: A) Rapunzel, however what with a recent haircut and no prince charming in sight, this is unlikely. B) Jane Eyre. But life's just too comfortable, and although I can relate to the 'plain Jane' concept, Mr Rochester is too nowhere to be seen. So with no heroine to truly model myself after in my rooftop abode, I'm having to settle on just being me in an attic room. As someone whose just completed a degree which involved a lot of 'pretending,' this reality seems a little on the dull side.

Luckily however, I'm far too in love with my new dwelling to find it dull. Here for your viewing pleasure, some before & after shots to see why I'm enjoying my high in the sky lifestyle:



(Cat not from IKEA)

There's still plenty to be done of course. Just like a girl's wardrobe is never complete, her room is never finished. In the next week curtains will be hung, pictures will be put up and mess will probably be accumulated. Home sweet home.

Friday 17 June 2011

Bye bye 10% off

So graduation is just over a month away. However today is the day when the University year comes to its official end, and so I allowed myself the indulgence of deleting 'soon to be' from my blog title. Unless a horrible shock comes at 5pm in the form of a 'fail' (UPDATE: I passed with a 2:1. Phew), and unless Mr Harold Camping's timing was only a little off and the world goes up in flames in the next month, I think I'm safe in assuming I will graduate.

Today life as a student ends. Tomorrow life as a real human being begins.

The worst part? No more student discount. 

Not sure how life is meant to go on really.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

The day I didn't take a professional headshot to an audition

Rookie mistake.

In my defense, I wasn't aware how professional an atmosphere it would be. When you're auditioning to be a drama teacher for 4-8 year olds, you expect the teaching aspect to me more important than the professional actor side to it. But when everyone was talking about their time at drama schools, touring with companies, asking about time off for auditions, and handing over glossy A4 black and white headshots that had clearly been taken in a studio with some fabulously serious photographer called Sven, you start to re-think what you'd originally 'thunk.' And then when they tell you to stand up and sing four lines from your 'audition song' when you'd never prepared an audition song in your life, and you quickly have to remember your spotify playlist and which of the songs you can actually remember the tune to (almost impossible when put on the spot), you start to realise that there are people in the same room who are far more prepared...

I still have my fingers crossed for the job though. Even if I did hand over a 75p Asda Print of a picture I'd taken this morning with less than perfect makeup...
