Tuesday 26 July 2011

Status: Unemployed

I went to the cinema yesterday. Horrible Bosses. Very funny. When buying my ticket, the woman behind the counter posed a simple one worded question: "Student?" My heart sank, my purse shriveled up and my head shook itself from side to side. A barely audible "no" followed, as did her highly unnecessary "ok, two adults." Thank you, but the reiteration really wasn't necessary. I am very aware that my student status has been revoked and has been replaced with the far less desirable, 'unemployed.' Aware because, for starters, my daily routine has altered slightly...

As a student you wake up whenever. Go to a couple of seminars or lectures here and there. Occasionally step foot into a library. Frequently step foot into a pub. Do an essay. Read a book. Sleep. Discuss everything from world politics to the possibility of sliding down the stairs on a mattress. Microwave something. Sleep some more.  Pretty simple, and very comfortable, living.

The life of the unemployed- still living at home I might add- isn't quite as enjoyable.

Still wake up whenever, but feel guilty for sleeping past nine when there's job hunting to be doing. Job hunt. Eat, but feel guilty for wasting time when there's job hunting to be doing. Job hunt. Do the dishes, but resent your single parent's expectation for you to do them when there's job hunting to be doing. Stop doing the dishes. Job hunt, but feel guilty for not finishing the dishes seeing as your single parent will be tired when they get home from work and won't want to do them. Finish the dishes. Job hunt some more, this time in front of Friends, Scrubs or CSI. Consider some form of exercise, but settle instead for facebook whilst of course feeling guilty for not job hunting. Welcome home parent with news of the days job hunting. Have dinner with parent. Watch parent's choice of TV whilst discussing job hunting and whether enough of it is being done. Go to bed. Watch a film/write in blog/read book/anything but job hunt. Go to sleep and dream of job hunting.

Of course, until this job hunting business becomes a bit more fruitful and I have a lovely income, I fear that all I'll be doing is mourning the loss of my student status. And then, naturally, once I do get a job and have no spare time, I'll be mourning the loss of my unemployed freedom.

Life is a bit of a circle. Or should I say bit-ch of a circle?

Friday 15 July 2011

Moo-V Farm

So I've started to contribute to this very cute film website. Check it out for all the latest reviews, movie opinions, debates and conclusions. Definitely worth a visit. 

And keep an eye on the left side of this page. I'll be posting links under 'Moo-V Farm' to all the articles etc I write for them, and I'd love to know what you think :)

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Twenty One

For some reason we have always had a fascination with numbers, and by 'we' I am of course referring to the entire human race. Numbers give order & significance to what would otherwise be a chaotic existence. How would we keep track of time without them? How would we know quantities, sizes, measurements etc? Most importantly, how could we get depressed about getting older when we couldn't attach a significant number to that foreboding feeling? Disaster.

So this year the number for me is Twenty One. It means I have officially 'come of age', can get into All Bar One, and can of course go and have a horrifically wonderful time in Vegas. Booya. In honour of this particular little number (because compared to most among the general population, it can still be considered 'little') I've decided to create a list of twenty one things to do this year. Bring it on.

One) Twenty One things to do this year:

  1. Get a job
  2. Have 'a horrifically wonderful time in Vegas'
  3. Take some amazing photos
  4. Meet a lot of new people
  5. Complete a script
  6. Fit into a pair of size 10 trousers (wishful thinking, I'm sure)
  7. Learn to drive & get a car
  8. Do some travelling
  9. Get accepted onto a masters programme
  10. Get some experience in Film production
  11. Do something out of my comfort zone
  12. Be able to jog for half an hour without stopping
  13. Scuba dive
  14. Visit a country I have never been to before
  15. Win a chess game
  16. Surprise someone
And unfortunately this is where my imagination ran out. I'm determined to get five more things on this list, and so am asking for lots of suggestions!! Someone's got to have a winning idea, right? Leave a comment in the box below- pretty pretty please!!

Ta very much :)