Friday 2 December 2011

Christmas: Am I losing my touch?

In the immortal words of a festive music legend: IT'S CHRIIIIISTMAS.

Nearly, anyway.

It's no secret that I'm a Christmas fanatic. Come boxing day I fall into a deep depression with the knowledge that it's a whole year away. Sure, leftovers help ease the pain for a while, but they're only a small plaster over the gaping bullet wound that is the end of Christmas. And then while everyone else is mourning the end of summer ('oooh it's getting cold!!'), I'm growing more excited by the day at the prospect of jingle bells!

My love of the season probably isn't all that healthy. I mean, what does it say about me? I'm superficial, too focused on the shiny things in life instead of reality, too materialistic? Yes, yes, yes. I like the superficial silly things, I definitely prefer the shiny glitz to the boring grey of daily life, and I enjoy tangible joys. During the year I have to tone down these negative qualities and focus on the positive, but at Christmas? HA. I can go crazy and not feel guilty about it! I can get excited over finding a stray Santa decoration I'd forgotten existed. I can squeal when I find the tinsel and realise I have just the right length to decorate my entire room. And I can most definitely enjoy the over crowded, over stressed and over the top shopping experience. I love it all.

My favourite thing however, has failed to be effectively expressed in the John Lewis Christmas ad. There's been a fair amount of criticism over it- my main issue is that a kid that age is not going to be affording anything from John Lewis for his parents. They'll be lucky if they get a coat hanger shaped into something other than a coat hanger. But I understand the general idea behind it, because my genuinely favourite part of Christmas is the giving of presents. Now I know that's not what Christmas is about bla bla bla, and thank you Jesus for being born all those years ago, but I love that feeling you get when you know you've hit the present on the head. I've always considered myself quite the present giver, and that's because I analyse people for the few months in the lead up to Christmas. I listen a little more carefully to their stories, and amidst all the general crap that is chit-chat, I get ideas for their present. So when Christmas finally comes and Person A can tear open my expertly wrapped gift (most of my talents revolve around this season...), their reaction is totally worth the effort of paying that little bit more attention.

Which finally brings me to my point. I fear my skills haven't effectively been put to use this year. Usually around this time I'd have most of my presents sorted, with only a few loose ends needing to be tied up. That's not the case this year. I have a number of the smaller gifts, but I'm totally stuck on the biggies. Problem 1: A severe lack of funds. Despite the recent acquirement of a job (WEHEY) I am well into my overdraft. Not good. Problem 2: An even greater lack of ideas!! This is my field, my talent, my greatest advantage!! And yet I find myself having to ask people what they want. I never ask! I always find and fulfill a need that may not have even been known. But now here I sit, head in hands, begging the fat man in the red suit for inspiration.

Of course, I know none of it really matters. Christmas isn't about the presents, and my family don't care what's under the paper. But that's not the point! When I give a present it's not about the actual physical item, but the time, thought and effort that's gone into it. That's what I love giving, and that's what everyone appreciates receiving. This year I feel like there is no time (I can't believe it's December already...), my thinking hat isn't fulfilling it's job description, and I seem to be making no effort to fix the situation. This has left me feeling all a little overwhelmed. Of course it doesn't help that every time I think of a possible solution, I forget it before I have the chance to write it down. Dear Santa, this year I'd like a new brain please.

I'm hoping that as they did with all my essays, the ideas will start to flow with just enough time to spare. In the meantime I plan to go overboard on the Christmas music, write my Christmas cards, and enjoy the festivities. Because for all it's commercialism, money-making and present stress, 'tis the season to be jolly tra la la la la la la la la!!

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