Wednesday 21 September 2011

Eat Pray Love (2010)

Main Cast: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Javier Bardem

Plot Summary: Feeling stuck and trapped in New York, Liz Gilbert (Roberts) sets off on a trip around the world to try and find that elusive 'missing piece' in her life.

The Good: - As Roberts' character tries to 'find herself,' we are treated to locations, cultures, people and food that aren't American! Her journey takes her to Italy, India and Bali, and in every destination we are exposed to something a little different. Something not so Hollywood.

- Roberts is a very consistent actress, and her performance in Eat Pray Love is just as reliable as in all her previous endeavors. Perhaps not Oscar worthy, but an easy watch none the less.

The Bad: - It's all a little stereotypical. The over the top Italians, the spiritual and traditional Indians, and...well, I'm not aware of Bali's stereotype, but I'm sure it was in there somewhere.

- Liz Gilbert's decision to upend her life and do something different and exciting, left me with the strongest, and most unrealistic urge to do so myself. It's highly frustrating wanting to escape a rut without the proper means to do so, and even more frustrating having to watch someone else do it.

- The entire film from start to finish was mediocre. Nothing particularly jumped out other than some stunning locations and delicious looking pizzas. There was nothing exciting, and although I didn't read the book, from what I heard the film didn't live up to it.

Memorable Moment: Liz and her friend eating Pizzas in Naples. Maybe I was just hungry at the time, but that image stayed with me. Mmmmm...

Score: 6/10

Verdict: It's a very pleasant movie, with some nice touches and occasional chuckle worthy lines, but other than some beautiful scenery and the few insights into non-American cultures, there was nothing that stood out for me. Definitely watchable, but not a film to put on your Bucket List.

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