Thursday 21 April 2011

"The best books, he perceived, are those that tell you what you know already"

The mere idea of putting words on paper about one of the greatest ever collections of words on paper is fairly terrifying. George Orwell’s ‘1984’, the hugely acknowledged masterpiece, really does speak for itself. Trying to say anything remotely complimentary about it would only be an embarrassing waste of language.  On the other hand I’ve just finished it and desperately want to rave about it, tell everyone who hasn’t read it to do so, and pretty much serve it to someone on a silver platter with a fine wine, expensive truffles, a plush velvet foot stool and a gentle string quartet as background reading music because this is a book that needs to be experienced.

However I think I’ll just settle on the happy medium and encourage all who haven’t read it- or even those of you who have but can’t remember it- to sit down and enjoy. Because that’s the thing; yes it’s smart, inspiring, relevant, affecting, eerie, prophetic and hugely profound, but it’s also just a great read! It hasn’t gained ‘classic’ status and amazed millions simply because it was a clever idea- OK, beyond any normal levels of intellectual, 'clever' that is- it’s also compulsive. Enjoyable! I challenge you to start it and not find yourself hours later, confused as to where the time has gone on.

So, go on. Give it a read. It’s pretty damn good :P

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