Thursday 16 August 2012

Hans Zimmer

Anyone following me on Twitter will have just seen my stream of links to some of Zimmer's scores. It'd be safe to assume that I'm an adoring fan and that, without realising it, have been since I was four when The Lion King graced the cinematic screen.

It was only when I bought the soundtrack to 'Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron'  however, at 12, that I became consciously aware of Zimmer as the man behind the music. Of course, being 12, my knowledge remained fairly limited to just this one soundtrack.

But then as I became more and more of a film fan, particularly at University, I began to seek out the composer behind possibly my favourite song of all time. (Run Free: Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron)

Some people might argue that Zimmer's work is repetitive and therefore boring. That all his music is, in essence, the same. This is a valid opinion, sure. But almost any musical legend can be immediately recognised, with songs barely differeing from each other. Same goes for authors or directors who have a particular style, a noticeable signature, that's present throughout their work. Zimmer's music is no different. He leaves his mark on everything he composes, and yet has successfully written for a hugely varied range of films; The Lion King and Inception are, after all, world's apart. 

If you've never heard a Zimmer composition, you must be Amish (in which case, what are you doing on the Internet?) There is no other way you could have avoided his music. The Dark Knight? Gladiator? The Lion King? Hannibal? The Simpsons Movie!? Trust'll have heard something with his name on it.

Now I could continue to write this lengthy letter of luurve, but instead I'll just let Hans speak for himself with five of my all time favourite tracks. If none of my selection suits your taste, just YouTube him. I'll be amazed if you don't find at least one song you fall in love with.

'Time' - Inception

'Run Free'- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
(From what I remember, I think the sequence has been messed with a bit in this video, so don't pay too much attention to the visual)

'Rise' - The Dark Knight Rises ('Rise' is the last song on the list, number 15)

'This Land'- The Lion King

'Tennessee'- Pearl Harbour

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