Friday 3 August 2012

Happy times

I'm a sucker for a bit of self pity. It's easy, it's comfortable, and it often involves Ben and Jerry's. But it's also boring, and annoyingly self indulgent. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn't make you feel better, doesn't help your state of mind, and in my case adds pounds in the form of Phish Food. I think I'd rather focus on the happy.

Don't panic. I'm not going to rant on the benefits of positive thinking, positive vibes, positive thoughts, positive affirmations, positive pregnancy tests... The leaders of this new age mumbo jumbo have made a lot of money taking you the long way round, on the motorway, through the roundabouts, behind the car park, over the level crossing, until they finally drag you into 'Happiness.' The shortcut? You know, THROUGH the car park? Don't be such a fucking martyr, and just BE happy!

How dare I say it's that easy!? It's important to stress, I am not judging those with severe depression, anxiety or other psychological challenges. I know people who have lost friends and family to depression, and it is no joking matter. My issue, is that anyone using a sad face in a text can diagnose themselves as 'depressed.' In this day and age, not having a date on a Friday night can spark major ice-cream binges and claims that 'life isn't worth living anymore.' The problem is, society (as soon as this word pops up, you know an important sociological topic is being debated....pfft.) has become far too accepting of this sort of behaviour; encourages it even through TV and Film. Sadness is expected. You're a robot until you've been vulnerable, ideally on a reality tv show in front of millions, and accepted that being sad, is good.


Yes, everyone should have a good cry. Everyone does indeed get sad, and feels down on occassion. It's human emotion, and it happens. But for the love of Ben, Jerry and your expanding hips, stop bloody wallowing! Stop complaining! Stop blaming the world for your misfortune and, more often than not, your actions. If you're single and miserable, do something about it! Maybe stop being so controlling and expecting Mr Fucked-Up-But-Eligible-Grey to show up on your doorstep. Not getting a job? Re-asses! Get advice! Fix your CV, get experience, and stop posting how unfair your life is on facebook- employers will 'stalk' your page, and no one wants a moaner on staff.

I for one, am going to try and focus on the little slitherings of 'happy' that creep in, ever so subtly, into every single day. Today it was a really good drive. Yesterday, a particularly satisfying glass of cold diet coke. Tomorrow it might not be more than an inch of pink in the sky that manages to bring a small smile to my face.

There's plenty wrong with the world. I'm sure there's plenty wrong with your life, as well. But it is life. You are in fact living. It's easy to forget that when you're busy crying into your ice cream pot because once again, Friday night you're going nowhere and all the lights are changing, green to red.

If you want it, come and get it. For crying out loud.

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